
A slice from a Doc object



has_vector (Boolean)

A boolean value indicating whether a word vector is associated with the object.

text (String)

Verbatim text content.

text_with_ws (String)

Text content, with trailing space character if present.

vector ([Float])

A real-valued meaning representation.

vector_norm (Float)

The L2 norm of the document’s vector representation.

conjuncts ([Token])

A tuple of tokens coordinated to span.root.

end (Int)

End position of the slice

ents ([Span])

Span references

extension (SpanExtension)
label (String)

Span label

lefts ([Token])

Tokens that are to the left of the span, whose heads are within the span.

lemma (String)

Base form of the span, with no inflectional suffixes.

rights ([Token])

Tokens that are to the right of the span, whose heads are within the span.

root (Token)

The token with the shortest path to the root of the sentence

start (Int)

Start position of the slice

subtree ([Token])

Tokens within the span and tokens which descend from them.

tokens ([Token])

Token references